Mission Statement

Jesus calls us to:


God’s grace


Matthew 6:33 - We are called to continuously pursue God's kingdom and righteousness. This reminds us that faith is a lifelong activity. In fact, the challenge and reality of faith is seeking grace in every step we take along the way. We remember the words of Jesus that he will be with us always!


Luke 15:32 - God's love IS freely given! That is what we call "Grace." Amazing gifts are always worth celebrating and giving thanks for! We celebrate grace in worship, song, prayer, social gathering, private spaces, anywhere we are gathered in the name of Jesus. Wherever we see new life, we are called to celebrate and rejoice!


Matthew 28:19 - We are created to be in relationship. Many people have never heard "God loves you...just the way you are. Right here. Right now." Sharing God's Grace is our ultimate calling. We share grace through service to others, in our homes, workplaces, schools and neighborhoods. Jesus tells us simply "GO..."

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